The rock meme : Do You Smell What These Dwayne ?

1. Love The Rock?

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This meme isn’t just funny, it’s important. Love yourself the way you love The Rock and the way The Rock loves The Rock.


2. Mind Blown

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Memes can be so informational. All this time we thought Dwayne and The Rock were the same person, but we were obviously mistaken.


3. On The Rise

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The Rock’s stock is on the rise, and so are all the memes about him. Who said stock market memes couldn’t be fun?


4. Will He Ever?

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To be fair, with arms as huge as his, Dwayne Johnson has a hard time finding the right fit. So lay off our hero, meme!


5. Give Us More

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If we looked up in the sky and saw a flock of Rocks like in this meme, we wouldn’t be as upset about what they left on our windshield.


6. Surprisingly Comfy

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It’s become a meme that The Rock is the most supportive guy in Hollywood, and now he even supports our feet arches? What a mensch.

7. The Awk…wardness

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If we had to have that grown-up conversation with anyone, we’d prefer it be with Dwayne Johnson. If he was cloned like in this meme, even better.


8. Evolution

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This is a motivational meme. Remember the path of The Rock and realize you can grow and change, too.


9. You’re Welcome

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Wow, until we saw this meme we had no idea how much different The Rock looked in different resolutions. Thanks!

10. The Most Electrifying Dip In Entertainment

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The Rock is known for being a tad spicy, but never has it been more literal than in this meme.


11. You Get It

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Nintendo, puns and The Rock? This meme truly has it all.


12. Be Careful

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Memes about Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson need to be plastered all over every elementary school in the world to teach kids such valuable life lessons.


13. Tasty

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He can wrestle, act, sing, meme and also cook with his face? The Rock truly is The Great One.


14. The Mad Lad

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The Rock is very self aware of his memes. He even recreated this famous one from his younger days.


15. Live Long And Prosper

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If we found out The Rock was actually an alien sent to bring about world peace, it wouldn’t surprise us. Meme on, Dwayne… meme on.


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